"The Panama Canal" or "Indonesia" Panama terusan was a long time, when the channel is located in Panama. This channel cleaves Isthmus of 82 km and the retrenchment of North America and South America. The Panama Canal connects the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. The idea of the Kingdom of Spain, Charles V in 1524.
And one of the world, as well as in Indonesia, located in the haarautumista three. "Channel, Tano Ponggol" in Northern Sumatra. ' tano ponggol "refers to the shallow channel, approximately two metres of depth. This channel and the island of Samosir cleaves to Sumatra. Built in the colonial Netherland Government in 1906.
Suez Canal and Panama Canal, Canal, Ponggol longline vessels in the differences in the impassable The width of the channel Ponggol Tano during the approximately two feet only. A little bridge connects the two islands.

So knowing about the channel, Tano, also you can enjoy the Ponggol trip here. Or any other Word, when you have a history, channel, Tano Ponggol looking for, you can create a tour of the same time. There are so many documents that can be found here.
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